NMPL-Rockford-IL logo


Address: 3134 11th St Ste A-2, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61109
Website: https://nearmepayday.loan/illinois/rockford/
Phone: 815 226 4500
Categories: Financial » Branches And Agencies Of Foreign Banks (6081)

Description and Programs:
NMPL-Rockford-IL in Rockford is a company that specializes in Branches And Agencies Of Foreign Banks. Our records show it was established in Illinois.
NMPL-Rockford-IL is a company categorized under Financial and is suggested for the following age categories: ..

Establishments operating as branches or agencies of foreign banks which specialize in commercial loans, especially trade finance. They typically fund themselves via large denomination interbank deposits, rather than through smaller denomination retail deposits. Federally licensed agencies of foreign banks may not accept deposits. Federal branches may accept deposits; however, if they choose to accept deposits in denominations of $100,000 or less, Federal deposit insurance is required.
Last Time Modified: 2021-05-24

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